What is Detox Living?

Adopting a detox lifestyle is about limiting your exposure to toxins and promoting your natural ability to detox. It’s a truly holistic approach… mind, body and soul.

Toxins come in many forms from the foods we eat and drink, air we breathe, people we spend time with and even the thoughts in our heads. Often we don’t even have awareness of how toxic every day things in our lives actually are! From the chemical laden products we put on our skin to the pesticide soaked foods in our fridge and the well travelled thought loops in our brain telling us we’re not good enough.

All of these toxins take a major toll on our energy levels, mental clarity and moods in the short term, and continue to negatively impact our health and longevity in the long term.

Consider that you function like a sink.

When the drain is functioning properly, water can flow in and drain easily without any concern of an overflowing sink.

Now consider that the water represent toxins. Toxins can be in the form of food ingredients, air pollution, chemicals in household or beauty products, even relationships, self talk and habits. These toxins not only cause this toxic water to flow, but they also impact the drains ability to function as they leave residue in the pipes and overwhelm the system. Before you know it, you have a clogged drain and a sink filling to the brim.

This is how most people are living. Their detox systems are overworked and undernourished and the toxin overflow is causing symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, inflammation, skin issues, bloating, irritability, low self worth and more. But it’s not the way we’re meant to live.