Find your unique life path, detox your life and embody your authentic self

As a Human Design Guide and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, my programs guide women to find their unique life path, embody their purpose, and detox their life to discover their most vibrant and authentic selves.

The Detox Diaries Methodology

The Detox Diaries is founded on the idea that you can live the life you truly desire when you release what no longer serves you and step into your authentic self.

Through a comprehensive approach to wellness, we’ll integrate your physical well-being with your life’s true purpose. This process always includes the 5 Core Pillars below.

  • Awareness: Open yourself up to new opportunities, knowledge and self discovery

  • Empowerment: Embrace that the only one who can change your life is YOU

  • Intention: A path paved with hope rather than doubt will guide you towards your desires

  • Detox: To become your true vibrant self you must release what doesn’t serve you to nourish your mind, body and soul

  • Habits: You define your reality with what you consistently do, think and feel

The Detox Diaries Non-Negotiables

In order to follow the above methodology, we work together to establish a mindset that will set you up for success. The following are key principles that will NEVER waiver and are the foundation that The Detox Diaries is built on:

  • Balance: There is no such thing as perfection, it is a hinderance NOT a goal. Sustainable change happens when you embrace the middle ground between all and nothing.  

  • Compassion: It’s been scientifically proven time and time again that a path with self-compassion is more successful than one with shame and judgment. Give yourself grace always.

  • Progress: Always celebrate progress along your path because there is no true end point. Life is all about the journey not the destination.

  • Authenticity: You are 1 of 1 and only YOU know what is in alignment for you. You are the authority in your life, you must always trust in yourself above all.

What is Detox Living?

Detox living is about limiting your exposure to toxins of all forms and promoting your resilience and natural ability to detox. It’s a truly holistic approach… mind, body and soul. In our modern society, most people’s detox systems are overworked and undernourished and the toxin overflow is causing symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, inflammation, skin issues, bloating, irritability, low self worth and more.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is the science of differentiation. It’s a synthesis of multiple ancient modalities and new age science that provides the blueprint of your energetic body, your gifts and your purpose. Human Design is a gift that provides language to what you have always known to be true, the permission to be who you are, unapologetically, and the practical tools to live the authentic and inspired life that you are meant for.

Let’s work together!

  • Detox Living Masterclass

    The Detox Living Masterclass provides the knowledge and tools to help you adopt a balanced Detox Lifestyle. Detox living limits your exposure to toxins of all forms and promotes your natural ability to detox. It’s a truly holistic approach… mind, body and soul.

  • Align Your Design Coaching

    Perfect for Human Design newbies and veterans alike, these sessions support you at any point on your journey. We will analyze the foundational parts of your chart, including Energy Type, Strategy, Authority, Definition, Profile and Energy Centers. You will also learn about your Channels, Gates and Cross of Incarnation which represent your unique gifts and life purpose.

  • Path to Purpose Program

    Detox, decondition and discover your unique life path.

    This all-encompassing program dives deep into Detox Living and Human Design. This internal and external transformational experience supports you in finding your unique life path, embodying your purpose, and detoxing your life to discover your most vibrant and authentic self.

  • "It's given me permission to really embrace who I am and what my unique strengths and guiding principles are..."

    Haley R

  • “Nicole’s own passion for wellness is magnetic. She has an entry point for wherever you are. Her confidence in you, makes you have confidence in yourself! "

    Kristin F

  • "She demystified the detox process and gave me the tools to keep making cleaner, safer, and healthier choices. Work with Nicole - you will not be disappointed!"

    Ashley K

  • "Everyone deserves to experience at least once what it’s like to have access to this sacred look inside their lives!"

    Kristin F

Dive into the Podcast!

We dive deep into all the ways we can create a life we love by identifying and reducing toxins that are sapping our energy and vitality. Each week we’ll discuss everything from nutrition, clean beauty, body image, stress management techniques, career and business, relationships, you name it. Whether it’s with a guest or just yours truly we get real, raw and honest and explore tangible tips to detox all areas of life.


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